An elegant innovation for common skin problems
Most unwanted skin spots, bumps and growths (clinically known as benign lesions) are made up of cells. But they can be tricky to treat, so “how” you do it matters. It’s time to find out about the CellFX procedure. How this innovative new procedure works can help make a clear difference in how you look and feel.
Clears the bad.
Keeps the good.
Clears the cells that cause the problem while sparing healthy collagen.1,2
Reduces risk of scarring
Non-thermal procedure helps prevent damage to non-cellular collagen.1,2
A clear difference
Innovative technology for a difference unattainable with traditional methods.
Fast and easy procedure
Quickly return to normal activity.
Good for a broad range of skin conditions
Proven results on different lesion types and sizes on the face, forehead, neck, back, hands and feet.1,2
The CellFX System is indicated for dermatologic procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin.
Clears the problem while preserving healthy collagen
The CellFX procedure works by addressing the cause of most benign lesions – cells. The secret is its patented Nano-Pulse Stimulation™ (NPS™) technology. This unique technology of ultrafast energy pulses reaches these skin lesions no matter how deep they go in the treatment area. Because NPS technology only affects cells, it clears the lesion while sparing the surrounding non-cellular collagen foundation of your skin. The non-thermal CellFX procedure reduces risk of scarring and helps promote natural, gradual healing that leads to healthy, renewed skin.1,2

Naturally clears spots and bumps, leaving surrounding collagen unharmed

Stimulates cell turnover, replacing affected cells with healthy new cells

Renews the skin surface for a natural, healthy appearance
Hear what people are saying about us
“I’ve been treating it for over a year – had freezing done, had topical creams put on, had other injections done – so multiple treatments. This one never really got cleared. It actually got bigger. And then I had the CellFX procedure done…and the results are awesome!”
– Melissa L, Colorado
CellFX Buzz
Commentary reflects physician’s own experience on the CellFX procedure. The CellFX System is indicated for dermatologic procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin for the reduction, removal, and/or clearance of cellular-based benign lesions. Specific indications have not been cleared by U.S. FDA.
Frequently asked questions
How does the CellFX procedure work?
The CellFX procedure uses an innovative technology that uniquely works deep at the cellular level where the skin problem resides. The technology uses ultrafast electrical energy pulses to alter the cells that cause benign lesions.
This procedure is cell-specific, which means it affects cells and only cells. There is almost no effect on the surrounding non-cellular dermis (skin). The CellFX procedure uses non-thermal energy (no heat or cold), which reduces the risk of damage or scarring and supports a more gentle healing process.
What is a skin lesion?
A lesion is the medical term for a part of the skin that has an irregular appearance compared to the healthy skin around it. A lesion is typically made up of cells, caused by malformations of the structure of the skin. Many factors, including the natural aging process, can cause different types of lesions.
On the surface of your skin, a lesion can look like a spot, bump, or growth, can be flat or raised, can have pigment or be clear and can appear anywhere on the face and body. While the lesion appears at the surface of your skin, most cells of a lesion extend underneath the surface into the deeper layers of your skin (the dermis) and can reside at unknown depths.
How is the CellFX procedure different from other ways to clear lesions?
The difference with the CellFX procedure is that it affects cells and only cells. This means it can clear the lesion – which is primarily comprised of cells – without affecting the surrounding non-cellular skin tissue.
The science behind the CellFX procedure is called Nano-Pulse Stimulation™ (NPS™) technology. NPS technology is based on a non-thermal energy, which means it does not generate heat or cold. Other methods such as burning, freezing or cutting involve unnecessary destruction of surrounding skin tissue in removing a lesion, which can lead to slower recovery times and risk of scarring or other permanent undesired effects.
The ability to affect only cells using a non-thermal energy provides your doctor unique control in clearing the lesion. All these beneficial differences can help minimize the risk of scarring, lessen the chance of lesion recurrence and support a better healing process.
How long does the CellFX procedure take?
Your doctor will schedule the total appointment time required for your visit. The actual time for the CellFX procedure session is typically 15 minutes or less, depending on the number of lesions to clear. Preparation of your skin typically takes a few minutes and each lesion usually requires only 10–15 seconds of pulsing.
How many visits are needed?
Most lesions can successfully clear with a single procedure session. Your doctor may provide guidance on the number of procedure sessions you may likely need for optimal results. For instance, for more difficult-to-treat lesions, your physician may recommend a second procedure session.
As the healing period progresses, if you believe that the lesion(s) or portion of the lesion(s) remain(s), contact your physician for follow-up.
REFERENCES 1. Kaufman D, Martinez M, Jauregui L, et al. A dose-response study of a novel method of selective tissue modification of cellular structures in the skin with nanosecond pulsed electric fields. Lasers Surg Med. 2019;52(4):315-322. doi:10.1002/lsm.23145 2. Newman J, Jauregui L, Knape WA, et al. A dose-response study of nanosecond electric energy pulses on facial skin. J Cosmet Laser Ther. Published online on October 7, 2020. doi:10.1080/14764172.2020.1827151